untuk freshie2 MD UKM AUCMS.... | Cik Siti

Friday, 19 August 2011

untuk freshie2 MD UKM AUCMS....

assalamualaikum and a very good evening.....
hye, tak lama lagi my junior will enter AUCMS.....so, sesapa yang amik kos MD UKM kat AUCMS....korang 1st year tak guna lagi stetoscope....stetoscope tuu untuk 2nd year....so, for the first year, korang kena beli buku rujukan...jap eyh, cik siti nak selongkar barang2 1st year cik siti yang korang kena ada....
1 - Marks' basic medical biochemistry 3rd edition....(buku ni cik siti prefer korang photostat ja...sbb dia tak pakai sangat....tapi pakai la jugak...nnt bila da masuk 1st year, korang approach cik siti, and then i will give it to u to photostat....)
2 - buku histology, tapi tak engat la nama buku tuu...
3 - pharmacology (katzung)

1 - emery's essential of medical genetics
2 - lange microbiology and immunology, arora medical parasitology
3 - buku musculoskeletal (anatomy)

korang tak payah risau la benda2 ni....sebab nnt masa korang masuk 1st, year, korang akan dapat senarai buku2 ni dalam study guide korang......apa yang aku senarai kat atas tuu, korang tak semestinya WAJIB beli....ikut kemampuan la....and also korang lebih prefer mana buku....sebab setiap buku, cara diaorang interpret lain2....so pandai2 la pilih....buat masa permulaan tuu, korang boleh la pinjam2 dulu kat library or senior2......sebab most of buku2 contoh buku biochemistry tuu kitaorg tak pakai sangat......

and one more thing...korang yang bakal masuk 1st year nnt, add la aku kat FB....then korang introduce diri korang...sbb aku ni kalau tgk mutual fren tak banyak aku tak kan approve...hope korang tak kesah la kan......huhu.....

p/s : siapkan diri dulu sebelum amik medik ni....^_^


  1. ok thanks :) brape hb eh pendaftaran ? barang barang keperluan sume kena bawak tak ? periuk nasik , cadar, baju2 , radio, etc etc laa. just in case . HUHU

  2. Hey there Miss Siti,
    Im planning to join the MD UKM AUCMS program for 2012 intake.
    Nak tanye surrounding dia dan coursemate/ sudents macan mane kat sane?

    Would you advise on studying in aucms??

    Thanks alot.

  3. Hi Miss Siti,

    Im very much interested in joining the MD UKM program for the Sept 2012 intake.

    Nak tanye students and surrounding macam mane kat sane? best ke x?

    Any words of advise on how is it there.




  4. Salam cik siti... InsyaAllah saya akan mendaftar sebagai student md-ukm nih... can we exchange e-mail so that saya boleh tanya more about your experience there n mostly about buying used books from u.. btw,this is my e-mail zysmew@rocketmail.com
    do hit me,k! :)


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